ホーム > 手続・申請 > 犯罪経歴証明書手続 > Applicationforapolicecertificate(English)





This is a guidance for people who need to submit “Certificate of Criminal Record” to overseas public institutions(embassy, immigration bureau, and so on).

Please contact us in advance before you come to the office.

The person who wants to apply for police certificate must call us in advance in order to confirm reason for the request of the certificate and documents required for application.

Only residents living in Ibaraki and those who previously registered in Ibaraki and now living abroad may apply for the certificate.
For those who have resident registration in other prefectures should contact Police Headquarters that has jurisdiction over the address.

Please apply at

Criminal Identification Division, Ibaraki Prefectural Police Headquarters
978-6, Kasahara-cho, Mito-shi
Phone:029-301-0110 (Ext. 4643 or 4644)


Office hours

From Monday to Friday 8:30-11:30, 13:00-16:30
(Except new year's holidays and national holidays)

Applicants should bring the following items.

For residents registered in Ibaraki

Japanese National

  1. A document that confirms your necessity of the issuance of police certificate.
  2. Passport
  3. A document issued by the government or public agencies that shows your present address
    • Residence Record or Juminhyo (issued within the last 6 months, not mentioned my number)
    • Driver’s license
    • My Number Card
      (※)Notification Card cannot be used

Foreign National

  1. A document that confirms your necessity of the issuance of police certificate.
  2. Passport
  3. A document issued by the government or public agencies that shows your name and present address.
    • Residence Card
    • Special Permanent Resident Certificate

For those currently living abroad and have their last resident regidterations in Ibaraki

Japanese National

  1. A document that confirms your necessity of the issuance of police certificate.
  2. Passport
  3. A document issued by the government or a public agency that includes your name and present address in Japan.
    • “Johyo” of your resident register (issued within the last 6 months)
    • “Fuhyo” of your family register (issued within the last 6 months)
  4. A document to certify applicants’ present adddress ( Driver’s License, issued by foreign government and etc.)

Foreign National

  1. A document that confirms your necessity of the issuance of police certificate.
  2. Passport
  3. A document issued by the government or a public agency that shows your present address.
    • “Johyo” of your resident register (issued within 6 months)
    • “Fuhyo” of your family register (issued within 6 months)
  4. Documents to certify applicants’ present address (Driver’s License, issued by foreign government and etc.)


  • Proxy application will not be acceptable. Applicant is required to appear in person to apply.
  • The certificate will be issued in about 1 week.
  • Applicant can not receive the certificate by mail. Applicant or proxy can receive the certificate in Ibaraki Police Headquarters. The reception of the document by a proxy will be permissible. In this case, please inform that to the handling officer on application.

