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発表論文 (野菜育種研究室)


著者名 題名 掲載誌 ページ
柏木優、葛谷真輝 レンコン栽培圃場における混種の実態解明 茨城農総セ研報 1-8
T.Oodera, S.Ouch, S.Sophany, B.Lor, K.Shimomura (2023) Collaborative exploration of vegetable genetic resources in western Cambodia in 2022 Annual Report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resoures 39 in press
Tomoko Ishikawa, Ryo Okada, Maki Kuzuya, Kenji Kato, Yosuke Yoshida (2023) Development and Evolution of New Source of Tolerance to Fusarium Wilt Race 1.2 in Melon Hort. j. 92 299-307
大寺宇織、石川友子、加藤鎌司、葛谷真輝 DNAマーカーを利用したメロン 'イバラキング' F1純度検定法の開発 茨城農総セ研報 4 1-8
Y.Kawazu, M. Kuzuya, S. Ouch, S .Sakhan, M. Ouk (2019) Collaborative exploration of Cucurbitaseae vegetable genetic resources in eastern Cambodia in 2019 Annual Report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources 36 92-111
K.Yashiro, K. Tanaka, Y. Sophea, V. Thun, S.Sophany, K.Kato (2019) Collaboratibe exploration of Cucurbitaseae vegetable genetic resources in western and northwestern Cambodia in 2018 Annual Report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources 35 121-135
K. Yashiro, K. Shimomura, T. T. Duong, D. S. Shrestha, S. Sharma, G. D. Joshi, D.M.S. Dongol, K. H. Gimire, B. K. Joshi, M N.Paudel (2018) Collaboratibe exploration of Cucurbitaseae vegetable genetic resources in western Nepal in 2016 Annual Report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources 33 333-347
八城和敏、劉泓鑠、葛谷真輝(2017) メロン品種 'イバラキング' におけるヒルネット発生の遺伝的要因 茨城農総セ生工研報 16 1-5
H.T. Kim, J. I. Park, A. H. K. Robin, T. Ishikawa, M. Kuzuya, M. Horii, K. Yashiro, I. S. Nou (2016) Identification of a new race and development of DNA markers associated with powdery mildew in melon. Plant Breed. Biotech. 4 225-233
堀井学、八城和敏、島本桂介、貝塚隆史、金子賢一、石井亮二(2016) 茨城県における年内堀りに適したレンコン優良系統の選抜 茨城農総セ生工研報 15 41-52
堀井学、宮城慎、松本雄一、小河原孝司、石川友子(2015) イチゴ新品種「いばらキッス」の育成 茨城農総セ生工研報 14 9-16
八城和敏、堀井学、金會澤、石井亮二(2015) イチゴの小葉を用いた炭疽病抵抗性簡易検定法の開発 茨城農総セ生工研報 14 17-21
Matsumoto Y., T. Ishikawa, M. Miyagi (2014) Development of a new melon cultivar 'Ibaraking' with high fruit growth ability under low temparature conditions, high total soluble content, and resistance to fusarium wilt. Japan Agri. Res. Quaterly 48 343-347
松本雄一、宮城慎 (2013) 半促成メロン(Cucumis melo L.)栽培におけるCucumis属野生種台木の実用性 茨城農総セ生工研報 13 1-4
Matsumoto Y., M. Miyagi (2012) Chromosomal location and mode of inheritance of a gene conferring resistance to fusarium wilt in Cucumis anguria L. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 87 539-544
Matsumoto Yuichi (2012) Temperature-dependent
enhancement of pollen tube growth obserbed in interspecific crosses between wild Cucumis spp. and melon (C. melo L.)
Scientia Hort. 138 144-156
Matsumoto Y., T. Ogawara, M. Miyagi, N. Watanabe, T. Kuboyama (2011) Response of wild cucumis
species to inoculation with
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
melonis race 1,2y
80 414-419
宮城慎、八城和敏、高津康正、冨田健夫 (2009) イチゴ新品種 ‘ひたち姫’ の育成 茨城農総セ
11 9-14
松本雄一、高津康正、宮本健次、手塚孝弘、坂田好輝、宮城慎 (2009) メロン遺伝資源Cucumis属野生種
11 23-32
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114 1407-1415



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